============ OS-specifics ============ Note that satella's `posix` submodule is a deprecated alias for `os` Note that in blatant disregard of this name's module some of these routines will work on Windows. So, a routine is available on Windows unless stated otherwise. whereis ------- .. autofunction:: satella.os.whereis suicide ------- Kill your process (and your process group). Does not work on Windows (NotImplementedError). See issue #37 on GitHub. .. autofunction:: satella.os.suicide daemonize --------- Become a daemonized process. Does not work on Windows (OSError). .. autofunction:: satella.os.daemonize hang_until_sig -------------- Sleep until a signal is received. .. autofunction:: satella.os.hang_until_sig is_running_as_root ------------------ Return if running as root. Routine unavailable on Windows (OSError). .. autofunction:: satella.os.is_running_as_root PIDFileLock -------------- This is meant to acquire a lock on a file. .. autoclass:: satella.os.PIDFileLock :members: