
This module is available only if you have cassandra-driver installed


satella.cassandra.wrap_future(future: ResponseFuture) Future

Convert a Cassandra’s future to a normal Python future. The returned future will be marked as running.

future is returned when it’s already a Python future.


future – cassandra future to wrap


a standard Python future


If you have multiple async requests that would hit multiple nodes and you would prefer to make use of execute_async and want to better make use of them, here’s the routine to help you out.

satella.cassandra.parallel_for(cursor, query: List[str] | str | Statement | List[Statement], arguments: Iterable[tuple]) Iterator[namedtuple]

Syntactic sugar for

>>> futures = []
>>> for args in arguments:
>>>     futures.append(cursor.execute_async(query, args))
>>> for future in futures:
>>>     yield future.result()

If query is a string or a Cassandra Statement, or else

>>> futures = []
>>> for query, args in zip(query, arguments):
>>>     futures.append(cursor.execute_async(query, args))
>>> for future in futures:
>>>     yield future.result()

Note that if None is encountered in the argument iterable, session.execute() will be called with a single argument. You better have it as a BoundStatement then!

Deprecated since version 2.14.22: Use Cassandra feature for that

  • cursor – the Cassandra cursor to use (obtained using connection.session())

  • query – base query or a list of queries, if a different one is to be used

  • arguments – iterable yielding arguments to use in execute_async

Note that if you specify an iterable instead of a string or a cassandra.query.Statement, different query will be applied to those arguments, as stemming from their ordering.